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Future events
22-23 May 2023, Vienna, Austria
International Workshop on the Sharing Economy (IWSE), Vienna. Koen Frenken will give a keynote on the development of the sharing economy from different perspectives. Full program available here.
Past events
17 January 2023, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Kickoff event NWO NWA PlatWork-r with all stakeholders. Presentations by Hanneke Bennaars (Allen & Overy), Anna Gerbrandy (Utrecht University) and Koen Frenken (Utrecht University).
12 January 2023, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Academic workshop ‘Platform Economy’, with presentations by Damion Bunders (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Rense Corten (Utrecht University), Andrea Herrmann (Radboud University Nijmegen), Nikos Koutsimpogiorgos (Utrecht University), Vili Lehdonvirta (University of Oxford) and Juliet Schor (Boston College).
13-14 October 2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Reshaping Work 2022, sponsored by PlatWork-R. Special panel debate on ‘Platforms and Regulatory Landscapes’, chaired by Koen Frenken (Utrecht University). Watch here.